Discipline: How do I achieve My Ultimate Goals?

What is the root of discipline?
The root word of discipline is “disciple,” which comes from the Latin word discipulus meaning “student.” Most people believe a disciple is a “follower,” but in reality it means student—as in, “one who studies.  So to be a follower of Chirst, you must be a disciple, one who disciplines themselves.

Discipline is a complex task requiring both flexibility and judgment and courage.

Joshua 1:8 Says “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

It takes courage to be disciplined.  You have to make yourself delay gratification as well as do things you do not want to do. You must find a reason to move into a disciplined life or you will not accomplish much in life. As a child, we should have learned self-discipline.  A child who is left to himself to do whatever suits his fancy will grow up and realize he is not ready to face the real world.

We must continually push ourselves to be completely honest, yet must also possess the capacity to withhold the truth when appropriate.  So to be disciplined, we must consistently monitor or successes and failures in any given situation.  We are always learning, but are we willing to learn?  If not, there will be opportunity to be stretched passed over time and time again, because we did not think it was important enough.  Every moment must be thought of as important.  Even those moments when we are taking a break or resting, but be accounted for if we are to be a courageous disciple.  Why?  Jesus said, “Make the most of your time for the days are evil.”  You must assume total responsibility for yourself. In doing so, you must be able at the same time to be able to reject responsibility that is not truly yours. To be organized and efficient and to live wisely, we must daily delay gratification and keep an eye on the future.  In all this discipline, there has to be a time for spontaneity or living in the moment.  We have learned from the New Age movement how that “bein present” keeps you focused, in the moment and can wipe out worries frustration and many other live stressors.  Discipline itself, must be disciplined. It is really all a balancing act.

Balancing is the discipline that gives us flexibility, Extraordinary flexibility is required for successful living in all areas of life. The balancing of life is found in the area of “giving up.”