1. Prayer: Pray for others: A prayer is a powerful force of God’s power in those who believe God works in and through their lives to enable them to love regardless of the situation. Unless we lay down our life for the sake of the gospel and the glory of God, we continue to be… Continue reading Love versus Judgment
Author: Barbara J Moon
Repent; Proclaim a solemn assembly; fast;
In Chapter 1:11 of Joel, we read Be ashamed, O husbandmen; howl, O vinedressers for the wheat and for the barley; because the harvest of the field is perished. 12 The vine is dried up, (Ye are the vine and I am the branches, If you abide in the vine you will bear much fruit,… Continue reading Repent; Proclaim a solemn assembly; fast;
Love by praying for Christ to Reach out to Others through You
1. Show genuine care and concern: Jesus demonstrated unconditional love by showing concern for people’s well-being, regardless of their status or beliefs. We can follow His example by reaching out to those who the Holy Spirit will direct you. We think that someone that is struggling might be a candidate, but we will not be… Continue reading Love by praying for Christ to Reach out to Others through You
Loving Others By Serving
4. Serve them: Jesus showed His love by serving others, and we can follow His example by serving those the Holy Spirit sends our way. This could involve volunteering at a local shelter or food bank, donating to a charity that helps those in need, or simply being willing to help out a neighbor or… Continue reading Loving Others By Serving
How to Love and Reach Out To Someone Who is a Less Desirable Societal Person
Q: As a Christian how can i best love someone who is not a believer and not a desirable member of society like Jesus would have? As a Christian, loving someone who is not a believer or is considered undesirable by society can be a challenging task, if indeed, you are a respecter of persons. … Continue reading How to Love and Reach Out To Someone Who is a Less Desirable Societal Person
LOVE There is a great misconception among Christian people today, whether they be sincere or lacka-daicical, concerning love. What is love? It is a very much abused word, often used very loosely by those who have no conception of its true meaning. The word love cannot be defined in a simple statement, for it has many… Continue reading LOVE? (GREEK) AGAPE? EROS? PHILEO? WHAT IS TRUE LOVE?
What Does it Really Mean to Die To The Flesh; For Without True Agape There Can Be No Real Love?
“FROM JOHN THE BAPTIST UNTIL NOW, THE KINGDOM OF GOD SUFFERS VIOLENCE AND THE VIOLENT TAKE IT BY FORCE.” And we ask, what in the “heck” does that mean? 🙂 We live in an age where we assume we KNOW, but we really don’t. I thought I knew what God… Continue reading What Does it Really Mean to Die To The Flesh; For Without True Agape There Can Be No Real Love?
How to Love as Christ loved the Church; Making Space for Entertaining Angels Unaware.
Let brotherly love continue. [2] Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. [3] Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. [4] Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God… Continue reading How to Love as Christ loved the Church; Making Space for Entertaining Angels Unaware.
How Do I Correct others In Love without Bringing in an Attitude of Judgmentalism?
Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and… Continue reading How Do I Correct others In Love without Bringing in an Attitude of Judgmentalism?
Minute Habits that Will Change Who You Want to BE; Let Christ be Your LIfe
HABITS THAT CHANGE YOU FOR THE BETTER OR WORSE. CHANGE YOUR BELIEF SYSTEM – CHANGE YOUR HABITS – CHANGE YOUR LIFE “Good morning it’s time to rise and shine, Good morning, good morning, good morning, I hope you’re feeling fine” The sun is just… Continue reading Minute Habits that Will Change Who You Want to BE; Let Christ be Your LIfe