Giving Thanks – How Do I break the power of depression


Depression, or as I term it, oppression  can come from a myriad of issues.  I think the biggest issue most of us face is FEAR. Today’s life is amazingly stressful.  We are pushing ourselves  24/7 in order to make a few bucks, unless you have a website that makes you passive income.  However, did you not have to scramble for any possibility of success, all the time concerned if you would spend all this money and it will be a flop?.  That’s stressful! It comes from Fear.  Wondering all that time if it was all for naught, FEAR.    Then when you spend all your time and effort in a project and find that it wasn’t appreciated or needed or you were selling the wrong product, heck or the pandemic happens and you get sick.  (Just something to remind me how  I want to start this paragraph).  Your “fears” are are now screaming at you, “I told you so” “You were stupid to think you could break out of your habit of procrastinating?”

There are many people today who have something called metabolic syndrome.  Fibromyalgia syndrome, etc. Any syndrome is something doctors have no idea the cause or reason for the problem, so that’s the tag they put on it….however, they are willing to push the drugs to “practice medicine” on you for a large sum.  They call it medicine, but it is actually drugs and because of the pharmaceutical companies need for the doctors to push their drugs so they can make a bundle of money, they offer to pay for schooling and many doctors don’t really realize what they are signing or getting themselves into when this occurs.  It is sad because most students are sincerely desiring to help people.

The mental health department is the worst.  You come into the psychiatrists office and tell him you can’t seem to get up in the morning, can’t sleep, have trouble concentrating at work.  Do they ever ask you about your diet?  More than likely not.  You do have some time to visit as you were hoping they could offer some real help or advice.  Then session closes, and he writes you a prescription for Xanex.  This should help,  he says.  If you notice any adverse affects, be sure and let me know.

Here are the side effects of Xanex:

  • Drowsiness.
  • Tiredness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Sleep problems (insomnia)
  • Memory problems.
  • Poor balance or coordination.
  • Slurred speech.
  • Trouble concentrating.

Now isn’t that amazing! You look at the brochure at the side effects that are listed reconsider……or do you?  Doctor would give me something that would make matters worse, would he?   These are the issues I’m already having. Why would I want to increase my memory issues or trouble concentrating, tiredness or insomnia?  Isn’t that why I came to you doc?  But you acquiesce and decide to try it because doc said it takes a while getting used to.

In my own life, being a disciple of Christ, or a believer however you would like to term it, I have chosen a simple way to release my angst.  “Christian” was a term that was given to those followers of Christ, not one they though of themselves, so who am I and if I am a believer, why does insomnia haunt me, why do I have fog brain or lose my temper so very often?  It is all a matter of the heart.  You see, we cannot function normally in a world of hate and anger unless we release love and forgiveness.  It is just the way it is.  So, in this crazy world of hate, push-and-shove trying to get ahead, we forget love, compassion, kindness after fear and resentment sets in and we find ourselves over in a corner feeling sorry for ourselves for any number of reasons.  I have learned I’m not in charge, I’m not God, I’m not even “a” god as some believe.  (I will not expound on Jesus’ words “Ye are gods.” at this time)  My only hope to not crawl in a hole and refuse to fulfill my journey in this life is to stop and say thanks.  Who am I thanking?  Everything, everyone, every moment but more importantly, my Creator.  He has never forsaken me nor has he forgotten me.  He made this world perfect, but man decided to mess it up by choosing pride, and rebellion.  We are still choosing. Which road will you choose.

The one and only reason I have been created is to glorify my heavenly Father.  The only way I find I can do that is to trust Him and get in His presence to allow His love to sweep over me.  Otherwise, I’m much like everyone else I experience, full of fear and despair because we look at our circumstances instead of the greatness of our God.  My calling is to love my brother, I can’t do that when I’m walking in fear or self pity.  God came to reconcile man to Himself…..Love, Kindness, compassion, peace, joy, life.

My previous pastor’s wife after I gave her the massage, brought me a small gift to put on my shelf.  It was a quote written on clear acrylic.  “Next time you find yourself telling God how big your problem is, turn to your problem and tell your problem how big your God is.”  Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.  Heb 11:1   How can I interpret that in my own understanding?  I just look at my glass I’m holding, keep my hand in the same position and with the other hand remove the glass.  I still look like I have something in hand, but I can’t see anything there yet.  So my faith isn’t in the hand or the object, it is in the God who “sees.”  He can see it, I cannot.  There is a whole plethora of blessings awating the one who will GIVE THANKS!  FOR WHAT?  You ask.    A roof over your head, a precious daughter, a worn out car, a phone that still works, my ability to walk.

You see, our basic problem is wanting to be somewhere else. Somewhere we aren’t.  We are either lamenting the past from guilt and shame or afraid of tomorrow and what it might bring or not bring.  Why not trust in the one who, when a sparrow falls to the ground HE knows all about it.  When a daisy withers, HE sees.  He said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”  I have engraved you on the palm of my hand.”  Ever see anything engraved?  You can’t get it to go away or etch it out.  All you can do is fill in the groves.  Then it’s still there.  So be not ashamed of your past.  Be not afraid of not having enough. For your heavenly Father knows you have need of all the things.  But “seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you.” Matthew 6:33