How to Sustain a Healthy body, soul and Spirit-Loving One Another

A healthy lifestyle is the result of the mind having the knowledge it needs for good health, then the will having the wisdom and strength to implement that knowledge. It means choosing to walk your own path, taking responsibility of your health in every area.  This requires discipline and a knowledge of which types of foods either assist with a positive outcome or a negative one within the metabolism of the body as a whole.

Being healthy is more than being free of disease, it’s again, a way of life.  What you put into the body is what you are going to get. The old phrase, “Garbage in, garbage out.”  It is a positive lifestyle of thinking, speaking, acting in every way that leads to a long life and a high quality of living without sacrificing time for enjoyment, family and social things that are also a part of your journey.  It really starts with loving other as you would love yourself.  Most would back up at that statement,  “well I have to love myself then before I can love others.”   I would say, no not necessarily.  When we see love as an action and not a feeling then love takes on a whole new meaning. In America the system has seperated most of us from each other, especially since the Internet became so popular.  We escape into a world of cyber-space and do not realize there are myriads of 1000’s of people who  need to be shown love.  Taking flowers to a neighbor, watching a young child for a disraught mother, taking a meal to a needy family are acts of love.  You have to move out of your comfort zone and reach out to others.  It is heartwarming to really step out and “Love” another human being.  At times we can feel our efforts were not appreciated as much as we wuld have  hoped, but that is not the reason you love.  You love because it is a higher calling.

It is actually proven that those who think positively, have a better outlook on life are as a general rule healthier. Health not only for the body but spirit and soul.  Proverbs states: “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  As we think positively, it’s actually has been proven scientifically, your body chemistry changes from stress to peace, acid to alkaline.  The body becomes continually healthier as you think on things that are lovely, of good report, noble things.  Even your cognitive reasoning becomes clearer. Dr. Chris Palmer has a wonderful study he has done much research on, after his health turned around by changing what he ate.   His new book is called, “Brain Energy.”  He found that by switching his diet from low-fat and more carbs than protein to the ketogenic diet, which involves eating mostly vegetables and meats and eggs,  he reduced his LDL cholesterol, lowered his blood pressure, reduced his A1C scores from pre-diabetic state to normal and a myriad of other health benefits. One thing  that surprised him  was how much energy he had and how much his cognitive reasoning had improved, with an amazing difference in clarity of thought.

Consider your body type.  Do you have a cool disposition. Do cooling foods cause you peace? Consider when you eat the other foods?  Do warming foods cause you peace or seem to make you feel energized?   Some foods are cold and some are warming.  Depending upon your body type, you may need either cooler based foods or warming foods depending upon if you have a warm or cooler disposition.  Mints, lemon balm, lemongrass and chamomile are cooling herbs and cinnamon, cardamom, cumin, coriander etc., are warming herbs. Likewise, Celery and cucumber and lettuce are cooling vegetables and peppers, carrots, beets, sweet potato and radish are warming veggies.  You should get to know which veggies make

In James we read, “Beloved I desire you be in health and prosper and even as your soul prospers.”    James walked with the Savior and understood that living healthy didn’t completely depend upon him laying his hands on the sick and them recovering. He watched Jesus’ ministry and heard him say many times, ‘leave your lifestyle of sin” in one instance it was “change your ways lest something worse come upon you.”  Interesting!  So, here,  the soul is involved and the lifestyle and the thinking and even judgments, the way we perceive others is all included in living healthy.

Here’s a freebie:  Did you know that having multiple sexual partners lowers your immune system?  The sperm that enters the canal causes a stress response from the immune system, putting up a defense.  However, that same sperm day after day month after month will cause the immune system of the female partner to recognize that familiar sperm and then will invite the sperm without a stress response from the immune system because it is recognized as familiar.  Anal sex will eventually destroy the immune system, as we see this in multiple cases of HIV patients who have had male same sex partners.  This is not a judgment, just a scientific observation.  Consider this study with mice in testing the microbiome

Your sexual partners can change your microbiome, a new study in mice finds


Since we live in a toxic world cleansing the body and mind, is very important.  Cleansing of the thoughts and patterns we have created by wounds from others and the way we have perceived the actions of another, the fears, feelings of the past, forgiveness and letting go of ideas and negative thought patterns that no longer serve you well.

There are so many toxic ingredients in our foods that have been placed there without our consent. Some of us are completely ignorant of what we are shoveling into our mouth. The labels on our foods are because it’s not just the law, but put there to protect you.  Most of us enjoy mayonnaise.  Let’s look at  the popular one.

Consider Miracle Whip:  Miracle Whip being one of our favorite foods, has some questionable ingredients: The label that reads: Water, Soybean Oil, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Vinegar, Modified Cornstarch, Eggs, Salt, Natural Flavor, Mustard Flour, Potassium Sorbate as a Preservative, Paprika, Spice, Dried Garlic

  • High Fructose Corn Syrup:  Consuming sucrose and high fructose corn-sweetened beverages increases liver fat and decreases insulin sensitivity.   Decreased insulin sensitivity is a risk factor for Type 2 diabetes. Significant changes in liver fat and insulin sensitivity seen in just two weeks of consuming sugary beverages
  • Modified Corn Starch: Common reactions reported by adults who have ascertained that they do not tolerate modified food starch include allergies, headaches, diarrhea, bloating, other forms of digestive distress, fatigue and more.
  • Soy Oil:  Soy within itself is not as a risk as what it is treated with, so that is the main concern here is glyphosate which harms the hormones.  Ingesting this chemical plays havoc