Simple Faith; Loving Others is Simple

Jesus encouraged His followers to have faith but it’s amazing, as I’m learning to walk in Love how faith becomes second nature, or maybe it’s love that becomes second nature.  I think they go hand in hand.  The trust I have in believing in others without judgment, trusting God to supply that love for them is truly empowering. I find that I’m more content and have a deeper sense of peace than ever before. In times when I would have been anxious about being late … today when I thought the place of business closed at 4:30 when in reality, it was 4:00, would have unnerved me.   I decided it didn’t matter if I made it in time or didn’t….God’s will would be done and I’d be in the middle of it. My whole experience went smooth.  It was like I was in a different world.  Fun things happened, the man in charge went out of his way to assist my venture and allowed me to accomplish my task with just 30 seconds to spare.

The lady at the check out line at the grocery story was amazing friendly and it was such a pleasure to be around others when before, because I was self-conscious about the essential oils I had on my skin, didn’t seem to bother me, or them.  One gal replied, when I told her I was using rosemary in my hair conditioner, “Hey that’s making me hungry for pizza!” The gal behind me in line had one of the same deserts I had eyed, but decided I would be “good.” It was really a decadent desert….and of course my favorites, cream cheese and chocolate. But since I was fasting it might not be a good idea to ingest, but there it was sitting on the belt, staring me in the face…..  I said, “That’s a really decadent looking desert. I was looking at that and really wanted it but decided I might not fare too well since I’m trying to do a healthy thing.”  She said, “I passed it up twice, but couldn’t pass it up the third time.”  We had a great conversation.  One thing she said was, “But remember, if you decide to buy it, you just start over tomorrow.” Then she quipped, “But remember, you can’t feel guilty either.”  Great words for me today, as I more often than not, feel guilty if I don’t do what I know is best for me.  She was a bit obese and her face was quite swollen. Sugar does that to us… it is really poison, but we are so addicted to it.  I really thought she was a grand lady, Katie was her name. It’s nice to be friendly and open, and honest. You find others will be the same. There are so many that are hurting and feeling so alone.  I think that’s why we need these things that are bad for us and we think they will fulfill some kind of emotional need.  We are lacking, but it’s time thanking and being in Jesus presence that is missing in our lives. We are all so consumed with just going through the motions, eating and even “living” the “sad” American, diet serving the almighty dollar, that we forget to live our lives according to the scriptures. “Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and rust destroy.”

In Luke 17:5-6, when the disciples asked Jesus to increase their faith, He told them that a simple and small mustard-seed faith is enough to do whatever is needed. So what will your step of faith be today?  What kind of seed will you plant? Are you so caught up in your work day and keeping schedules and running here and there, you don’t have time to “stop and smell the roses.”  We seem to always live beyond our means and it takes the joy out of living.

The mustard seed is really one of the smallest seed, but packs a big punch.  But when mixed with vinegar and other spices, it becomes a tasty condiment; Mustard has great health properties, too: 

  1. Boosts Cardiac Health
  2. Contains antibacterial and anti-fungal properties
  3. Good for the hair as it is high in Omega 3 fatty acids
  4. Helps treat gum disease by massaging the oil into the gums
  5. High in selenium which reduces inflammation
  6. Good for the environment by substituting it for fossil fuel instead
  7. Relaxes and Rejuvenates the Body and Stimulates Blood Flow
  8. Mustard oil is also known in Ayurveda as a poultice for chest congestion and massage. Soothes and protects the skin with high levels of Vitamin E

The outside influences that cultivate simple faith are frequently reading the Word of God, developing a consistent prayer life, and listening to the subtle impressions of the Holy Spirit in our hearts. We might even want to fellowship with other believers.  It can build our faith and teach us how to love others by rubbing shoulders with those of the Kingdom of God.  Their stories of failure and triumph can build our faith and we can find a place in our hearts to reach out to them outside the fellowship ……showing the love of the Father, especially by praying for them. Then the Lord will usually open the door for more fellowship and even ministry, if we are willing and obedient. 

All of these will cultivate simple faith, allowing the love of God to flow through us. Having a simple life will result in a simple faith and will help us to stand up to our challenges in life and enable the Holy spirit to flow more easily.  God has called us to be salt and light.

Remember simplicity is only trusting in Him, that all things really do work out for our good.  He makes sure of that, even in tripping and falling, learning to forgive ourselves and others, God really does “have our back.”