How I’m Discovering the Amazing Journey Walking in Christ’s Love, This Agape that has been shed abroad in our hearts.

So, My Whole Life, Under the Leading of the Holy Spirit?


The soul must remain silent before God……waiting for the “moving of the water.” (as in the Pool of Bethesda where the angel would move the water, so then the person who stepped in the water would be healed.)

The soul remain silent before God? Why? Silence, we have heard can be golden. So, why remain silent? In the silence we can hear God speak. He is always speaking. Psalms 46 says “Be still and know that I am God.”  When the soul is submitted to the Spirit, it is continually breathing out the love of God and can be a very powerful instrument of love.  There is amorous activity in the depths of the soul and spirit of the silent one whose “mind is stayed on God.”  However, once we have matured in Christ, as He becomes deeply within and we have learned without hesitating to respond, then too knowing what He wants, we can act in His stead knowing we can ask what we will because we are obedient to His will.  Remember in the old testament when it was spoken that the children of Israel knew His acts but Moses knew the why, or his ways and character and the reasons behind those acts.

So, as we grow in Him, your reborn spirit, now that it has experienced divine revelation is ever expanding, and even leaping toward divine love.  And in this experience, there are often times when you will feel an overwhelming light and peace that remains consistent within Him, or in that “Light.”   You will find that in order to remain in the state of restful divine peace, you’ll encounter some of the greatest acts of love within the heart which can be acted out through your own life which we could call virtues. ….these are really acts of worship.  Jesus said, “As you have done it unto the least of my brethren, you have done this unto to Me.”   At the same time these acts of love can be of the most severe self denials.

In my life of living in Dallas with three young children, walking with God in a deeper place than I’ve ever experienced, I decided I wanted to go deeper.  I chose to fast for 30 days, offering up my life to Him in the least weakness.  I could do this because I was not working, a widow and had decided to home school my children.  (I could do all of my chores and fast, just would have been difficult to hold down a job, take the kids to a baby sitter, etc.)  It became one of the most divine experiences of my entire life.  I was enraptured with the love of Christ consistently and continually during those days.  I was weak, He was strong, I was in fog brain, He brought clarity, I needed energy, he was there to lift me and push me forward.  It was an amazing very real daily denial of my fleshly needs, and leaning on Him for everything. He was there to fill every need, and I mean every one.  We don’t really understand the depth of what Jesus meant when He said,

“Truly, truly, I say unto you, He that believes on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.” Jn 14:12

“But I tell you the truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him (the Holy Spirit) to you [to be in close fellowship with you].” Jn 16:7 AMP

Once we have come into this place of rest, we must not question this guidance, for that is where child-like trust comes into “play” We are children of the Kingdom, therefore using the mental, analytical reasoning, considering the natural, the guidance you receive will then make no sense to the natural man.   Then when you question that guidance that we have been entrusted with, we can lose the slightest movement of that divine life.  Know of a certain, if you make misstep, all you have to do is turn to the Father, thank Him (once you realize it) for the way He has made for you to continue in His presence.  There is no need for a “re-sancitification, etc… are “IN HIM.”

It isn’t easy to find this place of rest, but it seems very easy to move away from it. Jesus talks about this in Hebrews 3:7

Do not harden your hearts as [your fathers did] in the rebellion [of Israel at Meribah],
On the day of testing in the wilderness,   Where your fathers tried Me by testing [My forbearance and tolerance],  And saw My works for forty years.  Therefore I was angered with this generation,
And I said, ‘They always go astray in their heart,     And they did not know My ways [nor become progressively better and more intimately acquainted with them]’;    So I swore [an oath] in My wrath,
They shall not enter My rest [the promised land].’”

This rest is ceasing from your own works.  Proverbs 3

“Trust in and rely confidently on the Lord with all your heart
And do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know and acknowledge and recognize Him,  And He will make your paths straight and smooth [removing obstacles that block your way].Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord [with reverent awe and obedience] and turn [entirely] away from evil. It will be health to your body [your marrow, your nerves, your sinews, your muscles—all your inner parts.)And refreshment (physical well-being) to your bones.”

 So we must daily exhort one another to stay focused on the promise, learn to listen to His voice that comes from within, and wait on His leading. Of course, I’m not talking about shutting yourself in somewhere.  I’m talking about moving about in your daily activities and at the same time listening, “putting your ear to the ground.”  I used to like to describe it as “sitting on the edge of my seat.”  It was just a way to describe the way action of my heart would be if my heart was ready to hear his voice… would be sitting on the edge of the seat, ready to move at the slightest unction.

How do we get here?  It can be a difficult hard road, or an easy one.  Just depends on how long you want to hang onto your own life and your own desires in this life. Did you count the cost when you said “Yes,” to the call of Holy Spirit tugging at your heart? Have you come to the realization since, that there is a price to pay for his spiritual blessings?  Not his love, just Himself.  Luke penned Jesus’ words:

“Now large crowds were going along with Jesus; and He turned and said to them,  “If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life [in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude toward God]—he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow after Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me] cannot be My disciple.  For which one of you, when he wants to build a watchtower [for his guards], does not first sit down and calculate the cost, to see if he has enough to finish it?  Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is unable to finish [the building], all who see it will begin to ridicule him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish!’ Or what king, when he sets out to meet another king in battle, will not first sit down and consider whether he is strong enough with ten thousand men to encounter the one who is coming against him with twenty thousand?  Or else [if he feels he is not powerful enough], while the other [king] is still a far distance away, he sends an envoy and asks for terms of peace.  So then, none of you can be My disciple who does not [carefully consider the cost and then for My sake] give up all his own possessions.  Therefore, salt is good; but if salt has become tasteless, with what will it be seasoned? It is fit neither for the soil nor for the manure pile; it is thrown away. He who has ears to hear, let him hear and heed My words.”Lk 14:25 (I have used the amplified version because it so very clear.) 

I have left this post for a couple of hours, prayed with my son, and returned.  I have read this myself and have been so convicted. We are His sheep, we are of the Kingdom of God, we are not of the world.  We would hope that the life in Christ we are called to would be a bit easier, but it is not.

He is very clear when Jesus says, “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad and easy to travel is the path that leads the way to destruction and eternal loss, and there are many who enter through it.” Mt 7:13 AMP

James 1:2-8

Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of your faith [through experience] produces endurance [leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace]. And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed [in your faith], lacking in nothing. AMP
So, how do we do this?  In 2nd Corinthians 10:3-5 We find the answer.  It seems such a minute thing, but it is huge.  “
 For though we walk in the flesh [as mortal men], we are not carrying on our [spiritual] warfare according to the flesh and using the weapons of man. The weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood]. Our weapons are divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ, being ready to punish every act of disobedience, when your own obedience [as a church] is complete.”
I would liken this act of taking thoughts captive to a ball that has just been thrown your way, it’s coming hard and fast and you have to catch it or move, lest you find yourself in danger. So you do the same to the thought.  Most of us don’t realize how to even know what kind of thoughts go through our minds.  The only way we can do this is with Holy Spirit’s help. We can ask for the Spirit to make us aware of the negative, ungodly, ungrateful, gossiping, and fearful and anxious thoughts to be revealed to us. Then once we do so, we can rest assured He will show you your thoughts. It is not easy to start, but once you “catch” the thought you can look at that thought as though it was not yours……which actually it isn’t. That thought if it is a fearful or negative thought comes from the one who desires to “steal, kill and destroy.”  We are so used to some of our thoughts that we have no clue why we are bound, sick, fearful, full of anxiety, have panic attacks, have to get on psychotropic drugs because everyone says there is something wrong with you.  No, you started a long time ago receiving the devil’s lies and now they hold you captive.  Jesus came to set the captive free.  Here is another wonderful verse:
“I have come that you might have life and have it more abundantly.”
 Now the slave does not remain in a household forever; the son [of the master] does remain forever. So if the Son makes you free, then you are unquestionably free. 
You are either a slave to your sin or released from sin.  Most of the time we walk around carrying our burdens acting like Jesus has never died and risen.  Jesus answered, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, everyone who practices sin habitually is a slave of sin. 
The way you quit habitually practicing sin, and turn and walk in the light is to catch the ball. You begin to stop thinking thoughts that are contrary to His word and pretty soon you have put the word back in your mind instead of gossip, anger, slander, revenge, unforgiveness, etc.  Then your heart begins to be more and more free.  We must give up the self life.  I’m not saying that you have to destroy the self, but stop giving into your self-pity, arrogance, speaking negative things about others. One of the hardest things to do is to tame the tongue.  I’m working on speaking godly and positive things over the people from my past now.  I have not been a good steward of my tongue.  It is a ball of fire, and no man is able to tame the tongue, James says.  But the Holy Spirit can, if we but give him half a chance.  Pray every day to ask God to allow you to take your thoughts captive, then you can easily begin to tame the tongue because you won’t be listening to those thoughts any longer.
Sound good?
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1 comment

  1. immersing ourselves into God, learning to die to self, and abiding in Him full time we become the new Ark of the Covenant thusly where we go at God’s unction HIS glory and presences goes with us. As we work as HIS Kingdom’s ambassador teaching to way into HIS Kingdom; then surely signs and wonders such as healings and deliverances will follow. You are spot on in your message. May the Glory and Presence of GOD be upon you continually.

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