Do Not Worry?
25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air, they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them; Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?


Let’s look into the idea of what it means to worship in the Spirit.

You and I were created by God for fellowship, and worship is that fellowship’s divine expression. To worship God is the highest calling there is. All we do during the day, every waking moment should be an act of worship.  Our finances, our words that we speak to our family and about others when they are not around, prayer, loving others, faith, surrender and obedience…….all roll into one act of worship.   We cannot understand the holiness of God unless we spend time, quality time in his presence. His glory, His holiness and the love of God is what we want to carry to the nations.   “He says in Psalms “Ask of me and I will give you the nations.”  That’s a pretty amazing promise. So then, I present my whole body, soul and spirit, my whole being unto my heavenly Father in worship.  I offer to him, in humility, and adoration, the glory that is due His name alone.  So it is then, in worship that we find our place “IN HIM.”

Jesus told the woman at the well, “the Father is seeking those to worship him in Spirit and in Truth.  The Samaritans were not allowed in the presence of a Jew, certainly not to drink from their cup.  They were tainted….”unclean.”  So the sole purpose of the Holy Spirit is so we can walk with God consistently and continually, so as we worship him …..”as the Father is seeking such to worship Him” He sent Christ to bear the cross and take our sins upon him so that we could be reunited to God Himself. When Adam sinned, the human soul lost its place before the Holy God and became a slave to all his appetites. The body became “in charge” if you will and the spirit man was now second in command.  The spirit of man had to be reborn in order for the soul to be able to submit to the love of God, instead of embracing the fleshly nature. ….if you please, the Old Man. (This is spoken about in Romans)

“Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God [set aside self-righteous pride], so that He may exalt you [to a place of honor in His service] at the appropriate time, casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]. 1 Peter 5:7 AMP

The amplified translation makes it pretty clear if we do not submit to the


There are always anxious thoughts that are available to steal your peace, joy and rest in the Lord Jesus Christ.  He has made you kings and priests and sons of the Most High Yahweh, yet we find ourselves a sniveling, fearful, anxious, and distracted disciple who has lost their focus and the whole reason we are here on this earth.  Why can I say this ….in this way?  It is because that is who I was.  I was afraid of my shadow.  We have been called to be salt and light, but we have allowed our thought patterns and the old nature of selfishness and desire for entertainment, the easy way out, to consume our lives.  Why do we do this? Because we have become deceived and do not understand that time is of the essence.  As my friend and mentor has said, “There are those out there dying to find their voice and it is up to me, his calling, to help them find it.  I have been challenged beyond my wildest imagination. Co-dependancy and slothfulness had me in a choke hold.  I was going down and didn’t seem to even care, until I became ill and then my world was turned upside down with an inability to hear God and receive His best for my life.  I had taken the easy way out and told myself that it would be “OK.”  I underestimated my enemy. He has come to “steal, Kill and destroy” the Body of Christ, till we are nothing to reckon with and has caused us to be impotent or completely powerless, ineffective and fruitless.  We attend church and have compromised the rest of the week with eating whatever we desire, we watch on TV whatever we choose, we choose our own words and eat our own bread, and still want to be called by His name.

I am preaching to myself, by the way; I hope you can discern that.  Sometimes, we must be more militant with ourselves than with others.  Grace, mercy and kindness, empathy, compassion are the qualities that we must embrace for others. It is like looking through a security glass in a department store that is a mirror on one side and a clear glass inside the office.  The mirror is the word of God as it applies to us and the glass is how we are to view others who are struggling to find their way.  Where do you lie?  I hope you are believing that I love you and would not write these things unless I was under an unction.

I read all kinds of scriptures that tell me that unless I am “born again” I cannot enter the kingdom of heaven. In Revelation I read that my name will not be “blotted out”  Could that mean that if I don’t do certain things or walk a certain way that my name could be “blotted out?”  I was raised in a church that had sloppy grace. It was hard for me to understand how to walk in power when I had few role models. Now that I’m older I can see clearly that I have been deceived and my whole reason for moving and living and being must be to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.  How is that accomplished?  Beats me….I’m just starting back on this “yellow brick road,” but I’m certain I’ll find Christ at my destination.  Why?  Because he has turned my life around in the last 8 years and He didn’t bring me this far to leave me.  Nor did he bring you this far to leave you either.



Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Phil 4:6 NIV


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